Wednesday, July 18, 2007

#7 Week 3 More Flickr Fun

For this next lesson we will dig a little deeper into Flickr to learn about some neat applications.

Like many web 2.0 sites, Flickr has encouraged other people to build their own online applications using images found on the site. Through the use of APIs (application programming interfaces), many people have created third party tools and mashups* that use Flickr images. Here are just a sampling of a few …

Mappr - allows you to take Flickr images and paste them on a map
Flickr Color Pickr - lets you find public photos in Flickr that match a specific color.
Montagr – create a photo mosaic from photos found on Flickr.

Discover more mashups, web apps, and Flickr tools.

Discovery Exercise

Explore some of the fun Flickr mashups and 3rd party tools that are out there.
Create a blog post about one that intrigues you.

A really neat tool is FD ToysTrading Card Maker. So have some fun discovering and exploring some neat little apps. And if you're up to the challenge while you’re at it, why not create a trading card of your own.

*Mashup Note: Wikipedia offers some great articles that explain mashups. Basically they are hybrid web applications that take features from one application (like Flickr) and mash it up with another (like a map). In this example, you get Mappr (


Cindi said...

One of my favorite features of flickr is Explore. The folks at flickr have come up with an algorithm that they call "interestingness"--they analyze how many views, comments and "favorites" a photo has and display the top 500 photos for every day on that day's Explore page. If you find a flickr photographer whose work that you like, you can use fd's Scout tool to view all of the photos in Explore--that photographer's most interesting work, according to the flickr community. Neat!

To see a really strange artifact of "interestingness," go to the main flickr page and search for harry potter, then click the "Most Interesting" link to sort by "interestingness." Ta da! :)

Julie George said...

Hey Cindi, that's you! How cool!!!!

Cindi said...

By the way, I'm cindiann on flickr. If you create an account, add me as a contact! :)

keaslers said...

I'm still kind of confused about mashing. I guess I don't really get it completely. Is it like applications in facebook, or is it something different?

Pat said...

The brown bag about Flickr was the best part of Lesson#7. I heard some interesting comments and learned things. Thanks to Kevin for telling us about Photobucket, I found an ama-a-a-zing video of Elvis. That was fun!

Robert E. Thornsberry said...

Interesting, especially Shozu. Unfortunately my cellphone is not supported yet.

Martins said...

Well, I haven't had much luck with the mashup experience. Seems I'm hitting a lot of deadends with the provided links. I did take the time to "map" my photos in Flickr -does that count. If I understand Mashups correctly, I'm thinking I've utilized a mashup in Flickr. Correct me if I'm wrong.