Tuesday, July 3, 2007

#3: Ready, set, go get a blog!

Listen to this podcast (Internet Explorer users click *twice* to start):

If you are hearing-impaired or do not have access to audio on your computer, a transcript of this podcast is available.

Now that you've learned a bit about what Web 2.0 is all about, it's time to get your feet wet and create your own blog! For our Learning 2.0 program, I recommend that you use Blogger, a free blog-hosting service that is easy to use. Blogger is owned by Google; if you would rather use WordPress, another free service not owned by Google, you are welcome to.

Create your own blog in three easy steps:

1. Create an account. [Screenshot]
2. Name your blog. [Screenshot]
3. Select your template. [Screenshot]

Once you've created your blog, there are two important things to know:
1. To post to your blog, you must log into blogger.com. Be sure to write down your username and password.
2. To view your blog, go to http://(xxxxxx).blogspot.com, where (xxxxx) is the unique identifier that you entered when you named your blog.

If you run into trouble setting up your blog, take a look at Blogger's tutorial.

Discovery Exercise
Once you have created your blog, create a post and enter the notes that you took after you watched the video "Web 2.0: the machine is us/ing us."

Optional Discovery Exercise
Here are a few of the library-related blogs that I read. Choose one and see what it's all about:
Tame the Web
The Shifted Librarian
Free Range Librarian
Information Wants to be Free

Comments welcome! Post a link to the blog that you create in the comments section, if you like.

Screenshots borrowed directly from the original Learning 2.0 program. Thanks, PLCMC!


Kelly Smith said...

Hmmm.. I can't figure out how to get links published in comments to display as hyperlinks. Cindi?

Anyway, here's my blog: http://smithkel.wordpress.com/

Cindy J said...

Here's my blog:


Rob said...

Mine, which I scarcely used after I initiated it last summer, remains rather minimalist:


Cindi said...

Feel free to paste the URL of your blog as a comment, if you like. You can put it inside a link tag, but you have to do it the old-fashioned way: by hand, like this:

<a href="http://alreadygone.blogspot.com">my blog</a>.

Nicole said...

Making fun of the name is not allowed ; )


Ron Yoder said...

Here is the blog I'll use for EKU Library Learning 2.0:


I also have a soccer-related blog:


Andrea said...

Here's mine! http://andreasinsanity.blogspot.com/
The problem is this opens up a whole new can of worms - how do I post pictures, how do I post video (like I even remember to get out my video camera anymore)! How much fun is this??? I love clicking on the random blogs that come up at the home page, so cool.

Julie George said...

Here is my blog.

Julie's Blog.

I am blogging about my trip to New Orleans right now but i promise to post something about Learning 2.0 soon.

Martins said...

I have officially created my blog - http://karilife.blogspot.com/. However, I can't get the titles to my posts to show up as they should. The titles pop up at random times. If you don't believe me ask Brad - he witnessed it. We were both perplexed.

jc said...

Here is my blog.


I've been wanting to pull together my housebuilding experience, so this is a perfect chance to do that.

CLCooper said...

I've done it. My blog can be viewed at http://clcooper-thefastlane.blogspot.com/

Melissa said...

And here's mine...

Room with a View


Kevin said...

Wow! Blog creation was virtually painless.
My blog's URL is:


Nadeen said...

This is very exciting.... new technology to learn. But for some of us who doesn't get to brown bag ever time, is it possible to get a blog posted with what the brown bag covered for that week??

Leah said...

Okay, I have created my blog. Kevin you were right, it was painless :-)


Cindi said...

Great idea, Nadeen. I was going to create a blog post on my own blog about the brownbag, but I'll post it to the project's home page (ekulibrarylearning.pbwiki.com) instead. Thanks for the suggestion!

Margaret said...

Here's my blog:


Didn't have any trouble setting up the blog -- the instructions are clear. Made another bried comment about the video.

Greg Engstrom said...

Here's my blog:


Ning Zou said...

Sorry from the belated comment:

You can click here Ning's Blog to get to my blog and I really look forward to seeing some comments since I check it several times a day :P Just wanted to see how other people think about the things I posted :P

keaslers said...

This is my blog... yeah... I can't believe I have a blog.


Cristina said...

I created a blog as well:

Cristina's blog

Anna_Banana said...

Okay I have also created a blog:



Anonymous said...

This blog is for you..

my blog

Victoria said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Pat said...

Here's my blog:

Robert E. Thornsberry said...

Just set-up my blog.



Jamie said...

Here is my blog.
